Do you want to become an aircraft owner yourself, and experience all of the benefits? Contact us!

We can assist you or your company, in the search for the right plane and relieve you of this burden. whether you or your company is the sole user or you wish your plane to be chartered, or even shared ownership (fractional ownership) are some of the possibilities in which we can advise.

Business jet ownership

buy (or sell) a business jet vs fractional ownership

Buy (or sell) a business jet


Buying a business jet is nothing like buying a car, but there are similarities. When buying a secondhand car or selling a new car, maintenance records, and ownership records will give your car more value. The same applies to an aircraft. Maintenance records, camps-report, all contribute to a good value of your plane. However in order to use a plane it must be registered to the proper authorities.


We can help you with each of these steps and streamline the process so that you can enjoy your aircraft of choice as soon as possible.

fractional ownership


As explained before, owning a private jet has many advantages but also responsibilities. Fractional ownership works as follows: an aircraft is on average being utilized 400 hours per year. If you fly less than 200 hrs per year it makes sense to own a jet for half, a quarter, or even less. The biggest advantage is this: if you own the plane for a quarter then a quarter of ALL costs are for your account. There are several packages available, we can even create one for your own needs!

One of the biggest advantages is, you still have your own jet but all of the (maintenance) costs are divided between the owners. This is a very cost-effective way of using your private jet.

Business jet as an investment


Private jet travel has gained enormous popularity in the last few years due to its efficiency and the limited amount of passengers, better hygiene, etc. There are several ways to use a private jet not per se for your travel needs but also to use it as an investment. Contact us for more information.